The Chancellor

The Chancellor is the joint third-in-command of the Immortal Robloxian Federation and the Head of the Federal Government, responsible for 9 Ministries and all group policies and activities relating to the civilian functions and areas of the IRF.

The Role of Chancellor

The role of Chancellor is established in the IRF Constitution as the Head of the Federal Government and Chairperson of the Federal Cabinet. They are responsible for various duties and functions including:

  • Appointing and dismissing all Ministers, Deputy Ministers and members of the Civil Service Management Board,
  • Leading the Federal Government as Head of the Civil Service,
  • Commanding the Ministry of State Security as Commander-in-Chief of Civilian Law Enforcement

The Chancellor advises the Imperator on the creation and dissolusion of Government Departments alongside appointing all Government Senators and nominating 5 Senators together with the Supreme Marshal.

The Chancellor is also a statutory member of the National Security Council, the Senate and the Cabinet Security Commission.

The Current Chancellor

Friz_Dzhugashvili is the current Chancellor of the Immortal Robloxian Federation after being appointed by Imperator Frostdry on the 29th July 2023.

You can learn more about the Chancellor here.