
Loitering Regulations Consultation


The Government are proposing a change to the Federal Border Regulations Code, specifically the laws relating to Loitering by Citizens and High Class Citizens. This consultation is being ran to take the views of interested parties (citizens, visitors and enforcement personnel) into account and ensure that the Government makes a sensible and rational decision.

Proposed Changes

The Government are proposing to amend Section 2.5 of the Regulations Code, this section deals with Loitering. At the moment High Class Citizen+ are permitted to loiter freely however it has been noticed that Citizens are reguarly permitted to loiter without interference.

We are seeking to allow Citizens to loiter on the condition they purchase a Permit sold by an in-game vendor that’d allow them to loiter for the duration of their in-game life. This permit would be “branded” with the branding of the Ministry of State Security and would require a valid Passport to be presented alongside it, potentially an Identity Card in the future.

High Class Citizens would not require this documentation and their rights, alongside the rights of Business Personnel and Families, would not be affected by this consultation.

This would NOT allow people to freely roam the area, the red lines would still be in effect

Give your views

You can give your views on these proposed changes using the Dyno Form linked below, you should submit your views before Friday, 1st March at 00:00.

Give your views on the Dyno Form by clicking here.