

Part of In-Game Criminal Procedure

Rights of the Government

Law Enforcement and Police Officers may:

  • Order you to stop and provide proof of your papers, ask why you are visiting and ask essential questions for crime prevention,
  • Detain you to issue you a citation, or arrest you, if they have witnessed you committing a crime,
  • Detain you using the tool to search you if they suspect you to be carrying contraband, weapons or if you’ve been stopped for a crime
    • You can also be stopped if a Senior Law Enforcement Officer has ordered suspicionless search in your server

They may also:

  • Pull you aside for interrogation/questioning if they believe you are acting suspiciously or meet criteria set out in a Security Bulletin,
  • Restrict access to areas if they believe a crime has taken place, if an investigation is ongoing or if a checkpoint has been setup,

Rights of Admissions and Customs Inspectors

Admissions and Customs Inspectors (this does NOT include Gamepass Admissions) may:

  • Order you to stop and provide proof of your papers, ask why you are visiting and ask essential questions for customs purposes,
  • Establish checkpoints to check for immigration papers and documents,

Rights of Immigrants and Citizens

Immigrants and Citizens have the following rights:

  • To be told why they are being detained, searched, arrested or cited (they must be told this before any Arrests or Citations are issued),
  • To be released if they are not committing any offenses or a search returns no proof,
  • To request another in-game player is informed of any questioning or criminal violations,

Members of the Resistance Team cannot be arrested