

Part of In-Game Criminal Procedure

What are felonies?

Felonies are any crime that is punished by an in-game prison sentence, ranging from 60 seconds to 10 minutes depending on the severity and frequency of the rulebreaking.

Crimes against People


Murder can be charged when anyone (Except Resistance) kills another player without valid justification or reason.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 5 Minutes 10 Minutes

Attempted Murder

Attempted Murder can be charged when anyone sets out to kill another (outside of assault) or attempts to throw a grenade into a crowd to kill.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 5 Minutes

Felony Assault

Felony Assault can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 5 Minutes

Crimes against Government Administration

Obstructing Border Operations

Obstructing Border Operations can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 5 Minutes 5 Minutes

Obstructing Enforcement

Obstructing Enforcement can be charged when anyone, including IRF Personnel, obstructs, hinders, blocks or attempts to interfere in the enforcement of Government Laws and Regulations.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 5 Minutes

Disrupting a Recruitment Session or Citizenship Test

Felony Disrupting a Recruitment Session or Citizenship Test can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
5 Minutes 5 Minutes 5 Minutes


Bribery can be charged when any person does, or attempts too, pay or provide a benefit for favourable entry into the Federation or to escape criminal justice. This offense should be given to the person bribing and the person being bribed.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 3 Minutes

Resisting Arrest

Resisting Arrest may be charged when anyone, including IRF Personnel, attempts to evade arrest, a citation or a search by running/fleeing from the scene. This does NOT include leaving the game.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 3 Minutes

Evasion (Leaving the Game)

Evasion (Leaving the Game) may be charged when anyone, including IRF Personnel, leaves the game and then returns to avoid arrest/detention. Users can only be arrested for this if they have the Red Handcuffs Symbol above their name.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 5 Minutes 5 Minutes

Crimes against Public Order and Morality

Protesting without a Permit

Protesting without a Permit can be charged when anyone, including IRF Personnel, holds a protest or demonstration without a permit issued by the State Security Commission

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 3 Minutes 5 Minutes

Disorderly Conduct

Felony Disorderly Conduct can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 3 Minutes 5 Minutes

Displaying a Weapon

Felony Displaying a Weapon can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 3 Minutes 3 Minutes

Oversized Avatars

Oversized Avatar may be charged when anyone wears an avatar that is oversized, outside of normal proportions for a ROBLOX avatar (large boxes, shipping containers etc). You must ask them to remove the outfit first.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 5 Minutes

Obstructing an Emergency Response or RP Scenario

Obstructing an Emergency Response or RP Scenario can be charged when anyone, including IRF Personnel, interferes with the response of a Public Health Officer, Firefighter, Emergency Coordination Officer or otherwise blocks/interferes in a Roleplay Event.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 5 Minutes

Crimes against Public Spaces and Private Properties


Felony Loitering can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 3 Minutes 5 Minutes


Felony Trespassing can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition. An exception to this is if a user crosses Police/Emergency Tape without permission.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 3 Minutes 5 Minutes

Crimes against Property


Robbery may be charged when anyone, including IRF Personnel, steals from a safe or the jewellery store. It can also be charged when people take money that others drop without permission.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 3 Minutes

Bank Robbery

Bank Robbery may be charged when anyone, including IRF Personnel, participates in a robbery of the Workers League Bank. You should NOT arrest people inside the bank, its broken!

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 3 Minutes

Crimes against Immigration and Documents

Illegal Immigration

Felony Illegal Immigration can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition. An exception to this is if a user illegally immigrates in a group of 2 or more OR if they are carrying illegal items upon detection, then they may be arrested immediately.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 3 Minutes

Illegal Importation

Illegal Importation may be charged when anyone attempts to import an item prohibited by the Minister of Admissions in a Customs Bulletin, by the Cabinet Security Commission in a Security Bulletin or if the goods are marked Illegal by the search tool

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
1 Minute 3 Minutes 3 Minutes

Invalid Permits

Felony Invalid Permits can only be charged after the Citations have been given for the offense. Check the Misdemeanour Guidelines for the definition.

First Felony Offense Second Felony Offense All Other Instances
3 Minutes 3 Minutes 3 Minutes