Since Chancellor Friz_Dzhugashvili took over on the 29th July there have been quite a few changes to the Government from our theme to the individual working of ministries. This post will recap some of the greatest achivements of this past year to highlight how far we’ve come:

29th July – Friz becomes General Secretary

29th July – Ministers made accountable for the first time

The Chancellor enacted a decree to ensure that Ministers would be accountable to their Ministries for the first time through the mandated publishing of Weekly Reports detailing performance and future plans for the Department.

31st July – Cabinet Security Commission and the Organisational Bureau

The Chancellor ordered the creation of a Cabinet Security Commission to adjudicate high-level disciplinary cases and remove the power from the hands of specific individuals, continuing her aims of transparency and fairness in the disciplinary system.

The Organisational Bureau was also reformed on this day, ensuring that the General Secretary and the Secretariat could harness administrative resources to ensure the Government ran smoothly.

5th August – First “Questions to the General Secretary” event

The first Questions to the General Secretary event was held allowing ordinary citizens to directly question the General Secretary on her policies, practices and ongoing reforms.

6th August – First Leadership Weekly Report

The first weekly report from Party Leadership was announced in line with the Ministerial Accountability Changes.

9th August – Ministry of Education Opens

Education Minister and Chief of Staff to the General Secretary Chaotic_EviI announced the opening of the Ministry of Education – bringing Officer Education back into the hands of the Government for the first time since before the dissolusion.

15th August – Civil Services replaced with Civilian Affairs

The Ministry of Civilian Affairs was created out of the Ministry of Civil Services after a CIS Investigation and an Audit uncovered numerous issues with the way the Ministry was functioning.

1st September – The Government is born

The Bolsheviks was transformed into the Workers League and the roles of General Secretary and Secretariat were renamed to Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, alongside numerous other changes.

7th September – The first Referendum is announced

Chancellor Dzhugashvili, for the first time in modern IRF history, called a referendum and engaged the public to decide on:

  • Splitting the Party and the Government into two separate institutions,
  • Removing Ministry Discipline Departments,
  • Implementing a Freedom of Information System

11th September – Rules for Ministers announced for the first time

A Ministerial Code of Conduct was announced stating, for the first time, that Ministers and Deputy Ministers would be held to a higher standard of rules and behaviour, including being overseen by a special Chancellery Office.

14th September – Referendum Held

The Referendum announced on the 7th September was held resulting in a victory for the Government Reform Plan and the Freedom of Information Proposal but resulting in a rejection of the Chancellor’s plans for Disciplinary Departments.

17th September – Ministry of Community Engagement created

The Ministry of Community Engagement was created bringing responsibility for IRF-Wide Community Events and Engagement to the Government.

18th September – Party and Government Split

In line with the results of the referendum on this date the Government was split from the Party bringing a modern, progressive change to the structure of the civilian branch. For the first time the IRF had a Civil Service and a professional Government focused on serving the people instead of ideological and political decisions.

28th September – Criminal Court and Judicial Reform

Chancellor Dzhugashvili enacted her wide ranging reforms to the Judiciary with a wave of public support – a Criminal Court was created and decision making for serious offenses was transferred to an independent body, alongside new rights being granted to suspects in investigations. Disciplinary Divisions were also placed under the supervision of the Federal Information and Security Agency.

10th October – Altan announced

The recreation of Altan Institute was announced on the 10th October and is planned to release in the new year!

16th October – Game Administration returns to the Government

The Ministry of Game Administration was recreated as Game Administration was brought under the jurisdiction of the Government.

Various Dates in November – Civilian Assembly Announced

The Civilian Assembly – the legislative branch of the Federal Government – was announced in November bringing the voice and opinion of Citizens and Civil Servants together to advise the leadership and propose various solutions to the people’s problems.

11th November – New Disciplinary Code

The new Government Disciplinary Code was enacted bringing a large liberalisation to the rules of the Government. The new code provides for stricter controls on low-level offenses, reduces the power of Discipline Departments and strikes a fair balance between fun and professionalism.

18th November – Bodyguard and Protective Services return to the Government

Chancellor Dzhugashvili and Supreme Marshal Salvus_Dzhugashvili signed the first of numerous joint agreements to allow the Ministry of State Security to engage in VIP Protective Services for the first time since 2020.

19th November – Civilian Assembly Election

The results of the Civilian Assembly Election were announced in which ordinary citizens were permitted to stand as representatives in the legislature.

17th November – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Transportation

The Ministry of Economic Affairs was renamed the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Transportation as part of the Administration’s plans to reform Transport and launch new roleplay sectors.

19th November – Ministry of Public Health created

The Ministry of Public Health was created, turning Grestin Medical Services into a fully fledged Ministry.

20th November – Quartermaster placed under Joint Control

Federation’s Quartermaster was placed under joint control ensuring that the Government has a say in the IRF’s Uniform and Equipment bureau.

16th December – Chancellor holds State of the Government Address

Chancellor Friz_Dzhugashvili held her State of the Government Address where she announced her views on the Government’s successes and teased at our upcoming plans.